Which category does your problem belong to?If there is a fire at the property under no circumstance should you try to put it out yourself. You must immediately evacuate the property and then contact the emergency services to report the fire. After that you must contact us by telephoneTelephone: 01375 369200 Mobile: 07540 635631 If you have a gas leak or you can smell gas you must immediately evacuate the property and then contact National Grid Gas Emergency Service on 0800 111 999. After that you must report this issue both through the contact form and by telephone. Telephone: 01375 369200 Mobile: 07540 635631Fault TypeFireSmell Gas?Bathroom And ToiletUtility MetersKitchenHeating And BoilerWater & LeaksDoors, Garages & LocksExterior And GardenHot WaterLightingLaundryWindowElectricalFurniturePests Or VerminAlarms And Smoke DetectorsCommunal Or Shared FacilitiesRoofStairsAir ConditioningFault Type - OtherBathroom And Toilet FaultBasinBathElectric ShowerExtractor FanShowerWC/ToiletBathroom And Toilet - OtherBasin CategoryBasin On BracketsBasin On PedestalBetween Basin and WallBasin Pipe LeakingBasin Plug HoleBasin Plug/ChainBasin TapBasin TilesBasin - OtherBasin On Brackets CategoryBasin BlockedBroken Basin BracketsBroken Or Cracked Basin On BracketsLoose Basin BracketsBasin On Brackets - OtherBetween Basin And Wall CategorySealant Discoloured Or MouldyWater Leaking Between Basin And WallBetween Basin And Wall - OtherBasin On Pedestal CategoryBasin BlockedBroken Or Cracked Basin On PedestalBroken Or Cracked PedestalBasin On Pedestal - OtherBasin Pipe Leaking CategoryPipe Leaking And Basin Is On BracketsPipe Leaking Behind A PedestalBasin Pipe Leaking - OtherBasin Plug Hole CategoryPlug Hole BlockedPlug Hole Grill BrokenBasin Plug Hole - OtherBasin Plug/Chain CategoryNew Plug/Chain NeededBasin Plug/Chain - OtherBasin Tap CategoryTap BrokenTap DrippingTap LooseBasin Tap - OtherBasin Tiles CategoryBroken Tiles (need new tiles)Loose Tiles (can be refixed)Basin Tiles - OtherBetween Bath And Wall CategorySealant Discoloured Or MouldyWater Leaking Between Bath And WallBetween Bath And Wall - OtherBath CategoryBetween Bath And WallBath PipesBath Plug HoleBath Plug/ChainBath TapBath - OtherBath PipesBath Pipe LeakingBath Waste Pipe BlockedBath Pipes - OtherBath Plug HoleBath Plug Hole BlockedBath Plug Hole Grill BrokenBath Plug Hole - OtherBath Plug/ChainNew Bath Plug Or Chain NeededBath Plug/Chain - OtherBath TapBath Tap BrokenBath Tap DrippingBath Tap LooseBath Tap - OtherElectric Shower CategoryNo Hot WaterNot Working At AllElectric Shower - OtherExtractor Fan Fault CategoryExtractor Fan Not WorkingExtractor Fan OtherShower CategoryShower No WaterShower Plug HoleShower Seal / SealantShower Curtain Or ScreenShower HeadShower HoseShower TrayShower SwitchShower Waste PipeShower - OtherShower No WaterShower No Cold WaterShower No Hot WaterShower No Water At AllShower No Water - OtherShower Plug HoleShower Plug Hole BlockedShower Plug Hole Grill BrokenShower Plug Hole - OtherShower Seal Or SealantShower Sealant Discoloured Or MouldyWater Leaking Out Of ShowerShower - OtherShower Curtain Or ScreenShower Curtain DamagedShower Screen DamagedShower Curtain Or Screen - OtherShower HeadShower Head Does Not MoveShower Head Does Not Stay In PlaceShower Head Fully BlockedShower Head Partially BlockedShower Head - OtherShower HoseShower Hose Broken Or LeakingShower Hose - OtherShower TrayShower Tray BlockedShower Tray (ceramic) Cracked Or BrokenShower Tray (plastic) Cracked Or BrokenShower Tray - OtherShower SwitchShower Switch BrokenShower Switch - OtherShower Waste PipeShower Waste Pipe BlockedShower Waste Pipe - OtherWC / Toilet CategoryWC / Toilet CisternWC / Toilet Handle / ChainWC / Toilet MaceratorWC / Toilet PipesWC / Toilet Seat Or BowlWC / Toilet - OtherWC / Toilet CisternCistern Constantly FlowingCistern Needs To Be Refixed To WallCistern Not Filling With WaterCistern Not FlushingCistern OverflowingCistern Cracked - High Level CisternCistern Cracked - Low Level CisternCistern Major Leak That Cannot Be StoppedCistern - OtherWC / Toilet Handle Or ChainWC / Toilet Handle BrokenWC / Toilet Chain BrokenWC / Toilet - OtherWC / Toilet MaceratorWC / Toilet Macerator BrokenWC / Toilet Macerator - OtherWC / Toilet PipesWC / Toilet Flush Pipe BlockedWC / Toilet Flush Pipe Leaking At CisternWC / Toilet Flush Pipe Leaking At Joint With PanWC / Toilet Pipes BlockedWC / Toilet Waste Pipe LeakingWC / Toilet Pipes - OtherWC / Toilet Seat Or BowlWC / Toilet Seat Or Bowl CrackedWC / Toilet Seat Or Bowl Cracked And LeakingWC / Toilet Need To Be Refixed To FloorWC / Toilet Seat BrokenWC / Toilet Seat LooseWC / Toilet Seat Or Bowl - OtherUtility Meters FaultUtility Electricity Meter Is BrokenUtility Gas Meter Is BrokenUtility Meter - OtherKitchen FaultKitchen AppliancesKitchen Extractor FanKitchen Units And LarderKitchen Sinks And TapsKitchen TilesKitchen WorktopKitchen - OtherAppliances CategoryAppliances DishwasherAppliances FreezerAppliances FridgeAppliances GrillAppliances HobAppliances Washing MachineAppliances Tumble DryerAppliances MicrowaveAppliances OvenAppliances VacuumAppliances - OtherAppliances DishwasherDishwasher Does Not Turn OnDishwasher Does Not Work CorrectlyDishwasher - OtherAppliances FreezerFreezer Does Not Turn OnFreezer Does Not Work CorrectlyFreezer - OtherAppliances FridgeFridge Does Not Turn OnFridge Does Not Work CorrectlyFridge - OtherAppliances GrillGrill (electric) Does Not Turn OnGrill (electric) Does Not Work CorrectlyGrill (gas) Does Not Turn OnGrill (gas) Does Not Work CorrectlyGrill Switch BrokenGrill Ventilator Or Fan Not WorkingGrill - OtherAppliances HobHob (electric) Does Not Turn OnHob (electric) Does Not Work CorrectlyHob (gas) Does Not Turn OnHob (gas) Does Not Work CorrectlyHob Switch BrokenHob Ventilator Or Fan Not WorkingHob - OtherAppliances Washing MachineWashing Machine Does Not DrainWashing Machine Does Not Turn OnWashing Machine Does Not Work CorrectlyWashing Machine - OtherAppliances Tumble DryerTumble Dryer Does Not Turn OnTumble Dryer Does Not Work CorrectlyTumble Dryer - OtherAppliances MicrowaveMicrowave Does Not Turn OnMicrowave Does Not Work CorrectlyMicrowave - OtherAppliances OvenOven (electric) Does Not Turn OnOven (electric) Does Not Work CorrectlyOven (gas) Does Not Turn OnOven (gas) Does Not Work CorrectlyOven Switch BrokenOven Ventilator Or Fan Does Not WorkOven - OtherAppliances VacuumVacuum Has Broken PartsVacuum Has Poor SuctionVacuum Does Not Turn OnVacuum - OtherAppliances Extractor Fan CategoryAppliances Extractor Fan FaultyAppliances Extractor Fan - OtherKitchen Units and Larder Category Base Or Floor UnitDrawersLarderWall UnitsKitchen Units and Larder - OtherBase Or Floor Unit CategoryCorner Or Base floor Unit BrokenCorner Or Base floor Unit LooseDoor Of Base Or Floor Unit BrokenDouble Door Base Or Floor Unit BrokenDouble Door Base Or Floor Unit LooseHinge Handle OR Catch BrokenShelf Of Base Or Floor Unit BrokenSingle Door Base Or Floor BrokenSingle Door Base Or Floor LooseBase Or Floor Unit - OtherDrawers CategoryDrawers Bottom BrokenDrawers BrokenDrawers Does Not Slide Open Or Closed CorrectlyDrawers Front BrokenDrawers Handle BrokenDrawers - OtherLarder CategoryLarder Door BrokenLarder Door LooseLarder Unit BrokenLarder - OtherWall Units CategoryCorner Wall Unit BrokenCorner Wall Unit LooseDoor Of Wall Unit BrokenSingle Door Wall Unit BrokenSingle Door Wall Unit LooseDouble Door Wall Unit BrokenDouble Door Wall Unit LooseWall Unit Hinge Handle Or Catch BrokenShelf Of Wall Unit BrokenWall Units - OtherSinks and Taps CategoryLeaks Or BlockagesPlug HolePlug Or ChainSinkTapsTilesSinks and Taps - OtherLeaks Or Blockages CategoryPipe Leaking Under SinkSink BlockedWashing Machine BlockedLeaks Or Blockages - OtherPlug Hole CategoryPlug Hole BlockedPlug Hole Grill BrokenPlug Hole - OtherPlug Or Chain CategoryNew Plug Or Chain NeededPlug Or Chain - OtherSink CategorySink Top LooseSink Unit LooseWater Leaking Between Sink And WallSink - OtherTap CategoryMixer Tap BrokenMixer Tap LeakingMixer Tap LooseSingle Tap BrokenSingle Tap LeakingSingle Tap BrokenTap - OtherTiles CategoryBroken Tiles (need new tiles)Loose Tiles (can be refixed)Tiles - OtherKitchen Tiles CategoryKitchen Broken Tiles (need new tiles)Kitchen Loose Tiles (can be refixed)Kitchen Tiles - OtherKitchen Worktop CategoryKitchen Worktop Broken (needs replacement)Kitchen Worktop Damaged (needs repair)Kitchen Worktop Edging Damaged (needs repair)Kitchen Worktop LooseKitchen Worktop - OtherHeating And Boiler FaultElectric BoilerElectric HeaterGas BoilerGas HeaterOil Boiler Or HeaterCoal Or Solid Fuel Powered HeatingHeating ControlsRadiatorUnder Floor HeatingShared HeatingHeat PumpHeating And Boiler - OtherElectric Boiler CategoryElectric Boiler LeakingElectric Boiler NoisyElectric Boiler Not WorkingElectric Boiler - OtherElectric Heater CategoryElectric Heater Bar Not WorkingElectric Heater LooseElectric Heater Not WorkingElectric Heater - OtherGas Boiler CategoryGas Boiler LeakingGas Boiler NoisyGas Boiler Not WorkingGas Boiler Pressure HighGas Boiler Pressure LowGas Boiler - OtherGas Heater CategoryGas Heater LooseGas Heater Not WorkingGas Heater Radiants Are BrokenGas Heater - OtherOil Boiler Or Heater CategoryOil Boiler Or Heater LeakingOil Boiler Or Heater Not WorkingOil Boiler Or Heater - OtherCoal or Solid Fuel Heating CategoryChimney Needs SweepingFire Not WorkingGlass Strips In Door Need ReplacingBroken Tiles (need replacing)Loose Tiles (can be refixed)Coal or Solid Fuel Heating - OtherHeating Controls CategoryHeating Not WorkingRoom Thermostat Not WorkingHeating Controls - OtherRadiator CategoryNo Heating But Hot Water WorkingNo Heating Or Hot WaterRadiator LeakingRadiator LooseRadiator Valve LeakingRadiator - OtherUnder Floor Heating CategoryUnder Floor Heating Not WorkingUnder Floor Heating - OtherShared Heating CategoryCommon Parts Heating Not WorkingHeating From Shared Boiler Not WorkingShared Heating - OtherHeat Pump CategoryAir Source Heat Pump Not WorkingGround Source Heat Pump Not WorkingHeat Pump - OtherWater And Leaks FaultLeakWaterWater And Leaks - OtherLeak CategoryWater Leak From Upstairs Or Adjoining PropertyWater Leak Within PropertyLeak - OtherWater CategoryLimited Or No Running WaterWater - OtherDoors, Garages And Locks FaultDoorbellExternal DoorGarage DoorIntercom Or Entry PhoneInternal DoorLock & KeysDoors, Garages And Locks - OtherDoorbell CategoryDoorbell Not WorkingDoorbell - OtherExternal Door CategoryDoor LooseFrame SplitHinge BrokenPVCu Door StickingWater Leaking InWooden Door StickingExternal Door - OtherGarage Door CategoryDoor StickingFrame LooseLock Not Working CorrectlyLocking Bar BrokenRunners Are StickingGarage Door - OtherIntercom Or Entry Phone CategoryIntercom Or Entry Phone BrokenIntercom Or Entry Phone - OtherInternal Door CategoryDoor Handle BrokenDoor LooseFrame SplitHinge BrokenPVCu Door StickingWooden Door StickingInternal Door - OtherLocks And Keys CategoryBack DoorFront DoorGarage DoorGarden GateKey LostLocks And Keys - OtherBack Door CategoryDoor Handle BrokenMortice Lock Not WorkingYale Lock Not WorkingBack Door - OtherFront Door CategoryDoor Handle BrokenKey Stuck In LockMortice Lock Not WorkingYale Lock Not WorkingFront Door - OtherGarage Door CategoryGarage Door Not Working CorrectlyGarage Door - OtherGarden Gate CategoryGarden Gate Not WorkingGarden Gate - OtherKey Lost CategoryKey Lost And Property Can Be AccessedKey Lost And Property Cannot Be AccessedKey Lost - OtherExterior And Garden FaultDeckingIn GardenOn PropertyExterior And Garden - OtherDecking CategoryBroken (needs to be replaced)Loose (can be refixed)Rotten (needs to be replaced)Decking - OtherIn Garden CategoryCesspit Or Septic TankFencingGarden GateManholesPathPavingStepsWallsIn Garden - OtherCesspit Or Septic Tank CategoryCesspit BlockedSeptic Tank BlockedCesspit Or Septic Tank - OtherFencing CategoryConcrete Fence Post BrokenConcrete Fence Post LooseFence (not timber) BrokenFence (not timber) LooseTimber Fence BrokenTimber Fence LooseTimber Fence Post LooseTimber Fence Post BrokenFencing - OtherGarden Gate CategoryGarden Gate BrokenGarden Gate Lock Not WorkingGarden Gate - OtherManholes CategoryManhole Cover BrokenManhole OverflowingManholes - OtherPath CategoryBrick Path BrokenBrick Path LooseConcrete Path BrokenGravel Path Needs RelayingPath - OtherPaving CategoryFlags Loose (can be refixed)Rectangular Flags Broken (need to be replaced)Square Flags Broken (need to be replaced)Paving - OtherSteps CategoryBrick Steps BrokenBrick Steps LooseConcrete Steps BrokenConcrete Steps LooseSteps - OtherWalls CategoryBoundary Wall CollapsingWall Shared With Neighbour CollapsingWalls - OtherOn Property CategoryDrainpipe Or Downpipe For RainwaterDrainsGuttersSoil PipeOn Property - OtherDrainpipe Or Downpipe For Rainwater CategoryDrainpipe Or Downpipe (metal) blockedDrainpipe Or Downpipe (metal) BrokenDrainpipe Or Downpipe (metal) Needs FixingDrainpipe Or Downpipe (plastic) BlockedDrainpipe Or Downpipe (plastic) BrokenDrainpipe Or Downpipe (plastic) Needs FixingDrainpipe Or Downpipe - OtherDrains CategoryDrain BlockedDrain Grate BrokenDrains - OtherGutters CategoryGutter (metal) BrokenGutter (metal) BlockedGutter (metal) Needs FixingGutter (plastic) BrokenGutter (plastic) BlockedGutter (plastic) Needs FixingGutters - OtherSoil Pipe CategorySoil Pipe BlockedSoil Pipe LeakingSoil Pipe Needs FixingSoil Pipe - OtherHot Water FaultImmersion HeaterNo Hot Water Heated By ElectricityNo Hot Water Heated By GasNo Hot Water Heated By OilHot Water - OtherImmersion Heater CategoryCylinder LeakingNo Hot WaterSwitch BrokenImmersion Heater - OtherNo Hot Water - Electricity CategoryI Do Not Have ElectricityI Have ElectricityNo Hot Water - Electricity - OtherNo Hot Water - Gas CategoryBack BoilerCombination BoilerImmersion HeaterStandard BoilerUnknown Boiler TypeNo Hot Water - Gas - OtherNo Hot Water - Oil CategoryBoiler Not WorkingNo Hot Water - Oil - OtherLighting FaultExternal LightingInternal LightingLighting - OtherExternal Lighting CategoryExternal LightExternal Light SwitchExternal Light - OtherExternal Light CategoryExternal Light BrokenExternal Light LooseExternal Light - OtherExternal Light Switch CategoryExternal Light Switch BrokenExternal Light Switch LooseExternal Light Switch - OtherInternal Lighting CategoryBatten HolderFluorescent Light TubeLampLight BulbLight FittingLight SwitchPull Cord For LightInternal Lighting - OtherBatten Holder CategoryBatten Holder BrokenBatten Holder LooseBatten Holder - OtherFluorescent Light Tube CategoryFluorescent Light Tube BrokenFluorescent Light Tube FlickeringFluorescent Light Tube - OtherLamp CategoryLamp BrokenLamp - OtherLight Bulb CategoryLight Bulb BrokenLight Bulb FlickeringLight Bulb - OtherLight Fitting CategoryLight Fitting BrokenLight Fitting LooseLight Fitting - OtherLight Switch CategoryLight Switch BrokenLight Switch LooseLight Switch - OtherPull Cord For Light CategoryPull Cord For Light BrokenPull Cord For Light LoosePull Cord For Light - OtherLaundry FaultTumble DryerWashing MachineLaundry - OtherTumble Dryer CategoryTumble Dryer Does Not Turn OnTumble Dryer Does Not Work CorrectlyTumble Dryer - OtherWashing Machine CategoryWashing Machine Does Not DrainWashing Machine Does Not Turn OnWashing Machine Other Work CorrectlyWashing Machine Is LeakingWashing Machine - OtherWindow FaultBlindsBroken GlassCurtainsProblem With Window Frame, Handle Or CordWindow LocksWindow - OtherBlinds CategoryBlinds BrokenBlinds - OtherBroken Glass CategoryAbove Ground Floor Level - Double GlazedAbove Ground Floor Level - Single GlazedGround Floor Level - Double GlazedGround Floor Level - Single GlazedBroken Glass - OtherCurtains CategoryCurtains DamagedCurtain PoleCurtains - OtherWindow Frame Handle Or Cord CategoryMetal Window FramePVCu WindowSash CordWooden Window FrameWindow Frame Handle Or Cord - OtherMetal Window Frame CategoryBottom Handle BrokenSide Handle BrokenWindow Does Not Open Or Close CorrectlyWindow Frame LooseMetal Window Frame - OtherPVCu Window CategoryBottom Handle BrokenSide Handle BrokenWindow Does Not Open Or Close CorrectlyWindow Frame LooseMetal Window Frame - OtherSash Cord CategorySash Window Cord BrokenSash Cord - OtherWooden Window Frame CategoryBottom Handle BrokenSide Handle BrokenWindow Does Not Open Or Close CorrectlyWindow Frame LooseWindow Frame RottenWooden Window Frame - OtherWindow Locks CategoryWindow Lock Broken With Window ClosedWindow Lock Broken With Window OpenWindow Locks - OtherElectrical FaultNo PowerSocketsElectrical - OtherNo Power CategoryNo Power In A RoomNo Power Throughout PropertyNo Power - OtherSockets CategoryDouble Socket BrokenDouble Socket LooseSingle Socket BrokenSingle Socket LooseSockets - OtherFurniture FaultBedBeside TableBookcaseChest Of DrawersSofaTableWardrobeFurniture - OtherBed CategoryBed BrokenBed - OtherBedside Table CategoryBedside Table BrokenBedside Table - OtherBookcase CategoryBookcase BrokenBookcase - OtherChest Of Drawers CategoryChest Of Drawers BrokenChest Of Drawers - OtherSofa CategorySofa BrokenSofa - OtherTable CategoryTable BrokenTable - OtherWardrobe CategoryWardrobe BrokenWardrobe - OtherPests Or Vermin FaultInsectsRodentsPests/Vermin - OtherInsects CategoryAntsBed BugsBeesCockroachesFleasFliesMothsTermitesWaspsInsects - OtherRodents CategoryMiceRatsRodents - UnknownRodents - OtherAlarm FaultCarbon Monoxide Alarm Faulty (battery power)Carbon Monoxide Alarm Faulty (mains power)Smoke Detector Faulty (battery power)Smoke Detector Faulty (mains power)Property Alarm Does Not SoundProperty Alarm Does Not Turn OffProperty Alarm Sounds When Inappropriate (intermittent sounds)Alarm Fault - OtherCommunal Or Shared Facilities FaultAir ConditioningBin StoreCommunal DoorsElectric GateIntercom Or Entry PhoneLandings Or StairwellsLiftParkingPostboxesShared Heating Or Hot WaterCommunal Or Shared Facilities - OtherAir Conditioning CategoryAir Conditioning Not WorkingAir Conditioning - OtherBin Store CategoryBin Store Overfilled Or InaccessibleBins Not CollectedBin Store - OtherCommunal Doors CategoryCommunal Doors Not Locking Or ClosingCommunal Door Fobs Not WorkingCommunal Doors - OtherElectric Gate CategoryElectric Gate Not WorkingElectric Gate - OtherIntercom Or Entry Phone CategoryIntercom Or Entry Phone Not WorkingIntercom Or Entry Phone - OtherLandings Or Stairwells CategoryLighting Not WorkingLandings Or Stairwell UncleanLandings Or Stairwells - OtherLift CategoryLift Out Of OrderLift - OtherParking CategoryGarage Fobs Not WorkingParking Spaces InaccessibleParking - OtherPostboxes CategoryPostbox DamagedPostboxes - OtherShared Heating Or Hot Water CategoryCommon Parts Heating Not WorkingShared Boiler That Provides Hot Water Not WorkingShared Heating Or Hot Water - OtherRoof CategoryChimney Pot DamagedChimney Pot MissingChimney Stack Damaged And Not Shared With NeighbourChimney Stack Needs Repointing And Not Shared With NeighbourChimney Stack Needs Repointing And Shared With NeighbourFlashing LooseFlashing MissingFlat Roof DamagedFlat Roof LeakingTiled Or Pitched Roof LeakingTiled Or Pitched Roof - Edge Tiles LooseTiled Or Pitched Roof - Edge Tiles Missing Or BrokenTiled Or Pitched Roof - Hip Tiles LooseTiled Or Pitched Roof - Hip Tiles Missing Or BrokenTiled Or Pitched Roof - Ridge Tiles LooseTiled Or Pitched Roof - Ridge Tiles Missing Or BrokenTiled Or Pitched Roof - Tile Or Slate LooseTiled Or Pitched Roof - Tile Or Slate Missing Or BrokenRoof - OtherStairs FaultExternal StairsInternal StairsStairs - OtherExternal Stairs CategoryBalustradeHandrailNewel Post Or Central PostTread Or RiserExternal Stairs - OtherBalustradeBalustrade BrokenBalustrade LooseBalustrade - OtherHandrailHandrail Bracket BrokenHandrail Bracket LooseHandrail BrokenHandrail LooseHandrail - OtherNewel Post Or Central PostPost BrokenPost LooseNewel Post Or Central Post - OtherTread Or RiserTread Or Riser BrokenTread Or Riser LooseTread Or Riser - OtherInternal Stairs CategoryBalustradeHandrailNewel Post Or Central PostTread Or RiserInternal Stairs - OtherBalustradeBalustrade BrokenBalustrade LooseBalustrade - OtherHandrailHandrail Bracket BrokenHandrail Bracket LooseHandrail BrokenHandrail LooseHandrail - OtherNewel Post Or Central PostPost BrokenPost LooseNewel Post Or Central Post - OtherTread Or RiserTread Or Riser BrokenTread Or Riser LooseTread Or Riser - OtherAir Conditioning FaultSplit Air Conditioner Does Not Turn OnSplit Air Conditioner Is LeakingSplit Air Conditioner Is NoisyTower Air Conditioner Does Not Turn OnTower Air Conditioner Is LeakingTower Air Conditioner Is NoisyWindow Mounted Air Conditioner Does Not Turn OnWindow Mounted Air Conditioner Is LeakingWindow Mounted Air Conditioner Is NoisyAir Conditioning - OtherIf the leak cannot be contained and/or it is causing damage to the property (especially if it is penetrating into an electrical fitting) it is classified as an emergency and it must be reported to us through this system and by telephone as soon as possible. In those circumstances you should turn the water off immediately using the stopcock. If the leak is coming from the above or adjacent property, you must try to contact those occupants immediately. Telephone: 01375 369200 Mobile: 07540 635631 Please explain the extent of the leak by reference to: (a) how big a container is needed and how often the container has to be emptied e.g. one cup every hour or one cup every day; and (b) whether the leak is constant or intermittent. Please also provide us with as many details as possible about the item that is leaking.Leak Container SizeHow big a container is needed for the leak? (eg cup or bucket)Leak Empty IntervalHow often do you have to empty it? (eg hourly or daily)Leak FrequencyIs the leak constant or intermittent?This is classified as an emergency and must be through this system and by telephone as soon as possible. Telephone: 01375 369200 Mobile: 07540 635631If you cannot gain access to the property or the property is not secure this is an emergency and must be reported to us through this system and by telephone. Please note if you have locked yourself out of the building it would not be your landlord's responsibility to cover any cost. Telephone: 01375 369200 Mobile: 07540 635631Please check whether the boiler is turned on. If the boiler cannot be turned on or if there is no hot water after the boiler has been turned on and enough time has passed to heat the water then please report this issue through this system and contact us by telephone. Telephone: 01375 369200 Mobile: 07540 635631Fences: Please explain the problem in as much detail as possible. For non-timber fences also include what material the fence is made out of. Please also upload photos of the fence.If the situation is dangerous or potentially dangerous this is classified as an emergency and must be reported to us both through this system and by telephone. If the situation is not an emergency or urgent issue please state any relevant details in the notes section.First telephone the electricity board or your electricity provider to check that the loss of power is not because of a general power cut, unpaid bills or failure to pay for connection. If the loss of power is not due to one of those factors then you must report this issue through this system and contact us by telephone.Please check your fuse box or consumer unit to see if circuit breakers require resetting. If circuit breakers do not require resetting please report this issue through this system and contact us by telephone. Telephone: 01375 369200 Mobile: 07540 635631Please explain the problem in as much detail as possible and provide details of which room or rooms are affected, when the problem was first noticed and how frequent the problem is.Smoke alarms and carbon monoxide alarms can be mains powered or battery powered. If your alarm is battery powered and is not functioning correctly please check whether the batteries require replacement before reporting your issue. The replacement of alarm batteries is a tenant's responsibility.This problem relates to a shared facility. If you submit this problem through our system we will try to refer the problem to the person or company that manages the shared facility (this is usually a Block Management Company) and will not be Amos Estates. We recommend that you also directly notify them of the problem yourself. Their details should be on a plaque on the wall in the communal areas, or withing documents that you may have received. A neighbour may also be able to help. So that your problem is dealt with as quickly as possible please provide us with as many of the details as possible for the affected appliance. Please include the appliance type, make, model and serial number (if possible). Please also provide an outline of the problem and describe any warning lights or unusual sounds.Appliance Type*Appliance Make*Appliance Model*Appliance Serial NumberPests - Which room(s) affected?Examples: Kitchen, HallwayWhen was the problem first noticed?Examples: January, last weekHow frequent is the problem?Examples: Daily, sometimes, oftenPlease state the number and (if possible) the size of those affected and upload photos of it/them. Please also include any other relevant details in this section.Path, Paving, Steps, Kitchen Tiles Or Roof Tiles - Number Of Items AffectedExamples: 1, 2, 10Path, Paving, Steps, Kitchen Tiles Or Roof Tiles - Size Of Items AffectedExample: 50cm x 50cmFence Description(e.g. wood or wire)The replacement of light bulbs is a tenant's responsibility under the tenancy agreement. Light Bulbs: Please explain what the problem is and item(s) affected in as much detail as possible. e.g type and size of bulb, screw cap/bayonet cap, standard, compact, LED, halogen etc.Type Of Bulb(e.g. standard or LED)Size Of Bulb(e.g. standard or compact)Bulb Fittings(e.g. screwcap or bayonette)Number Of Bulbs Affected(e.g. 1, 2, 3)You should always have the use of at least one toilet. If you do not, then this would be considered an urgent issue and must be reported to us both through this system and by telephone. Telephone: 01375 369200 Mobile: 07540 635631Problem Description / Additional Notes*Please enter a description of the problem above to continuePlease add up to 3 photos, video or audio files (max: 10mb each) To help explain the problem. Uploading photos, videos or audio can help to clarify your issue and may mean your issue is resolved sooner.Photo UploadAddress*Street Town CountyPost Code*NamePlease selectMrMrsMsMissDrPrefixFirstLastEmail Address*Telephone Number*Property Access*I give authority for my property to be accessed without me being presentI want to be present when the work is carried out Vulnerable OccupierVulnerable Occupier At This PropertyPlease confirm that you accept the Terms and Conditions and Privacy Policy.I accept the Terms and ConditionsPlease enable JavaScript to submit this form.SendThis field should be left blank